Call for Papers - New Medical Humanities

Transdisciplinary Workshop on “Recovery in Mental Health”

The two-day transdisciplinary workshop “Recovery in Mental Health”, taking place from 13. to 15. November 2024 in Cologne, addresses fundamental issues related to recovery and mental health. Early career researchers and healthcare professionals from Germany and abroad working at the intersection of psy-sciences, mental health, the humanities and liberal arts are invited to present and discuss their related empirical and/or theoretical research.


Historically, the concept of “recovery” dates back to the early 19th century referring to the moral treatment of “insanity”. Rather an ideologically driven belief of “curing” mental illness than a proper therapeutical approach, consecutive social and ethical reforms paved the ways for the emergence of a new field of medical specialization: psychiatry. Recovery became more inclusive and scientifically shaped by virtue of struggles by the c/s/x (consumer/survivor/ex-patient) movement in the US in the 1970s. Although not a conceptually uniform approach in clinic and therapy, recovery might be thought of along relevant dimensions of human spheres of life. Nevertheless, as Patricia Deegan, an American psychiatrist and experienced patient with schizophrenia, wrote: “The task is not to become normal. The task is to take up your journey of recovery and to become who you are called to be.”

Guiding questions

  • What does it mean to live with a mental health disorder?
  • How to participate in society although one is diagnosed with, e.g., depression, anxiety disorder, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline pattern?
  • How to overcome epistemic injustices in mental health?
  • How to cover different perspectives (individual, clinical, societal, etc.) on recovery or even come to an integrated perspective?
  • How can professional treatment contribute to recovery and where else can people suffering from mental health issues turn to for support?
  • How important are trust and familiarity (in oneself, others and the healthcare system) when coping with mental illness?
  • What is the relationship between mental illness and somatic and/or chronic illness? And how does mental illness affect the course of life?
  • What do the arts and humanities contribute to overcoming and understanding mental illness?

Application process

We welcome submissions by early career researchers (advanced master students, PhD students, postdocs) from a broad range of disciplines, e.g., philosophy, history, anthropology, social sciences, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, nursing studies, liberal arts and more. We are interested in various perspectives on the topic and especially welcome proposals by persons with personal experiences related to the issue at stake. A total of 45 minutes including discussion is available for each presentation.

The following documents must be submitted: 

  • A letter of motivation explaining the personal research interests and professional background (max. 1 page)
  • A CV (max. 2 pages)
  • An abstract about the lecture to be presented (max. 1 page)

A co-funding for accommodation costs and travel expense might be offered on an individual base, please indicate your interest in the application e-mail.

Submission deadline: 15. September 2024. Notifications regarding the success of application will be given until 01. Octobre 2024.

Workshop vom 13.-15. November 2024 in Köln

15. September 2024


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Organisiert von:
Mira Krebs
David Vogel
Erik N. Dzwiza-Ohlsen

Bestätigte Hauptredner:
Laura Galbusera (MHB Fontane)
Florian Schmidsberger (Vienna)

In Kooperation mit:
