Ü 18 - The Art of Aging


30 is the new 20. 50 is the new 30. According to this inexorable logic, we must work ever harder to appear as youthful as possible. In an aging society, youth is the hardest currency. Those who look their age must either suffer ignominy or look up a plastic surgeon. And today’s young find it all too easy to forget the fact that they are the old of tomorrow. Aging, growing up, maturity – do we associate this with relinquishing the hope that we can always restart our lives anew?

Enjoy an evening between the cult of youth and the wisdom of age with star entertainer Harald Schmidt (57), artist Mary Bauermeister (80), philosopher Susan Neiman (60) and Christiane Woopen (52), Chair of the German Ethics Council.

Music: Cologne Jazz Trio.

Readings: Melanie Kretschmann (Schauspiel Köln)

Mod.: Jürgen Wiebicke (52)

May 27th, 2015

8.00 p.m.

WDR, Klaus-von-Bismarck-Saal
Funkhaus des WDR Köln
Wallrafplatz 5
50667 Cologne


Kölnische Rundschau vom 29.05.2015:Phil.Cologne-Runde: Die Kunst des Alterns mit Harald Schmidt in Köln diskutiert

Rheinische Post vom 29.05.2015:
Harald Schmidt war immer schon 55

Kölnische Rundschau vom 29.05.2015:
Die Kunst des Alterns mit Harald Schmidt in Köln diskutiert