Laura Harzheim, M.Sc.

Curriculum Vitae




Master of Public Health, Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Science, Fulda (M.Sc.)


Bachelor of Health Economics, Fresenius University of Applied Science, Cologne (B.A.)


Professional Experiences

since 10/2017

Research Associate, Cologne center for ethics, rights, economics, and social sciences of health

since 09/2016

Associate Consultant, admedicum Buisness for Patients GmbH & Co KG


Research Assistance in project "HealthE-Journal" of FFT Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG and department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University Fulda


Student Assistance in project "Studium Generale", department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University Fulda


Research Assistance in project "Förderung regionaler Gesundheitsnetze", department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University Fulda


Student Member of project "GNetz-Kom", department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University Fulda


Student Member of project "Vereinsstrukturanalyse des Gesundheitsnetzes 2025" Fresenius University, cologne

Publications und Lectures



Harzheim, L (2018), The value of qualitative methods in analysing experiences, emotions and decision making processes of persons at risk. Symposium: Re-claiming the power of definition – health literacy, mental resilience and quality of life in persons at risk (Conference presentation) Qualitative Research on Mental Health, 20th–22th September 2018, Berlin, Germany

Harzheim L, Lorke M (2018), Risk narratives and health literacy - interdisciplinary approaches, Narrative Matters - The ABCs of Narrative (Conference presentation), 02th-05th July 2018, Enschede, Netherlands



Harzheim L, Lorke M (2018), Ein Perspektivwechsel: Risikokommunikation in der Medizin, Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Universität zu Köln, practicle course VI, SoSe 2018

Harzheim L, Lorke M, Jünger S (2018), Risikowirklichkeiten: ein Perspektivwechsel. Relativität von Gesundheit und Risikoprädiktion in der Medizin. Blockseminar Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Universität zu Köln, SoSe 2018



  • Health Literacy of Persons at Risk – From Information to Action (RisKomp)